Question 1 - A skier has fallen heavily and is floating in the water. They say they are ok except for slight back pain and some tingling sensation in both legs. Signs and Symptoms of Spinal Injury may include: Loss of sensation or tingling in hands or feet, loss of movement or impaired movement below site of injury, pain and tenderness.

Your actions would include: *

Question 2 - Your Observer is looking very unwell and complaining of severe pain in the chest that radiates through their neck and down their left arm. Signs of a Stroke – Facial weakness, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to Act (FAST).

Which of the following is the most appropriate action? *

Question 3 - Someone has slipped down the bank and possibly sprained their ankle. There is pain and swelling and they are having trouble moving their foot.

How can you help? *

Question 4 - After placing someone in the recovery position, to assess their breathing status, you can Look, Listen and Feel for signs of breathing.

Where could you check? *

Question 5 - Your Observer is untangling the ropes and their arm comes in contact with a hot section of the motor.

The best initial treatment for a burn would include: *

Question 6 - How should you best assist someone suffering from Shock?

Signs & symptoms of Shock – weak/rapid pulse, cold/clammy skin, rapid breathing, faintness, nausea.

Following the principles of DRSABCD, some management techniques could include *

Question 7 - While standing in line waiting for “Breatho” one of your teammates complains of feeling dizzy and has a severe headache. You are aware they suffer from Type 1 Diabetes.

- Signs & symptoms of HIGH BLOOD SUGAR may be: tiredness, thirsty, blurred vision, hot dry skin.
- Signs & symptoms of LOW BLOOD SUGAR may be: weakness, confused, aggressive, hunger, headache, sweating

What can you do? *

Question 8 - Which is Australia’s primary emergency service number.

Select below *

Question 9 - A severe Asthma attack can be life threatening. If you come across someone who appears to be having an Asthma attack, check if they have used their reliever. See if they can take slow, deep breaths. If they have a persistent cough, cannot speak comfortably, are unable to get enough air and have obvious difficulty breathing.

You should *

Question 10 - After a racing incident, a competitor has been in the water for some time. They are ok with no obvious injuries however they could be suffering Hypothermia.

Signs & symptoms may include: feeling cold, shivering, clumsiness and slurred speech.
DO NOT rub affected areas OR use radiant heat such as fire or electric heaters OR give alcohol.

After gently removing their wet clothes, to warm the patient, you should *

Question 11 - An adult patient is unconscious and shows no signs of life. Commence the principles of DRSABCD.

The correct action for giving CPR is *

Question 12 - A skier has hit their head on the ski, they are ok apart from a bump on the head. Upon returning to the bank they appear a bit disorientated.
Signs & symptoms of Concussion may include: loss of consciousness, dazed/loss of memory, blurred vision, vomiting and headache.

They may have Concussion, what could you do *

Question 13 - You are following the principles of DRSABCD and whilst you are performing CPR, the patient has regained a weak/irregular pulse and starts breathing.

Next you would *

Question 14 - Upon arrival at the boat ramp one morning, you find a person lying face down in the water.

Your priority at the scene would be to *

Question 15 - It is a particularly hot day and your Observer is feeling fatigued, dizzy, hot and has had a headache. They may also be heavily sweating. They could be suffering from Heat Exhaustion.

Management may include *

Question 16 - A spectator has had a suspected heart attack. An ambulance has been called but whilst waiting the person collapses and becomes unconscious.
Signs & symptoms of heart attack vary but may include: chest pain that can start suddenly, or develop over time and get progressively worse, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness.

You should immediately *

Question 17 - Someone cuts their leg on a boat prop and has a deep laceration to their leg, it is bleeding heavily.

You would initially: *