Updates regarding Safety/Skier Equipment will be posted here. If you are new to the sport, please click the link below to find some recommendations for competing from the Safety Committee

2018_19 SafetyCommRecommendations

Rules regarding, Helmets, Wetsuits, Ski’s and Boat specifications can be found in the Rule Book

Safety Committee Members.

The Ski Racing Australia Safety Committee meets monthly to discuss the overall safety of the sport. It is the primary task of the Safety Committee to lead the change and research direction in areas such as helmets, PFD’s, Rules that relate to safety, incident reporting and the general welfare of skiers, drivers and observers.

Members of this committee hold the position for a 12 month period and are determined by the SRA board after the SRA CEO calls for expressions of interest from members in the sport with extensive Ski Racing experience and preferably a safety/research background. The current members are:

Chair Ben Casey

Jack Coaldrake

Daniel Cotton

Andrew Donehue

Kris Knights

Darren Lindsell

Rod Senior

Chris Singleton

Jason Walmsley