SEASON IS GO!! – Racing to commence in November

It seems the Covid God’s are finally giving us a break and it is with enormous relief, the Board of SRA along with the Heads of States and Clubs, the SRA Racing Committee and the Safety Committee, are in a position to announce a go live for the season.

There’s been a bit of work done since we last communicated, mainly to consider the start/end dates of the new season. We are super conscious none of us have raced in some time, so our proposal is to come back to racing with the best deal we can offer. Please see dot points below –

Your 12 month membership will now include –

• A 14 month season – starting in November 2021 and concluding 31st Dec 2022;
• An early bird discount extension of 10% for those who pay prior to Oct 31st, 2021;
• 10 Classic events (normally its 8) plus the new format Barry Beehag 100km race;
• A second boat policy (second to none) where if you do not utilise your second boat simultaneously in the same race, in the next race you can substitute your boat out for the other at no cost;
• The addition of a new tiered approach to your membership, ensuring lower risk classes are rewarded with a lower cost membership;
• A new ‘Tier 8’ racing format for clubs wanting to run lower cost races and to entice old and new members into the sport. SRA is extremely proud of this approach, with Region V and Cliftonville clubs re affiliating themselves with SRA. Our aim is to attract other clubs from Queensland, Victoria and South Australia to this format to get boats out of sheds and old members dusting off their gear;
• A reasonable sized discount on your individual and boat membership vs last year.

Races will recommence as soon as 30th October at some venues and most States and Clubs in NSW and Qld will kick off through Nov and Dec. Vic is awaiting an increased Vaccination rate but are getting ready to go with plans to race on 13th 14th of November (TBC).

Our first Classic race will be the Ted Hurley on January 22/23. We urge everyone to enter a couple of local Point Scores / Series Days or local events prior to your first race. Any time you spend back in the saddle will be good time as we will all likely be a bit rusty.

Our Calendar will be available in the next week or so.

Lastly, our COVID refund policy –
SRA is a Not-for-profit organisation and plan to provide a membership refund where Classic races are interrupted by COVID-19. This will be based on the cost of insurance at that point in time (non refundable portion) and then based on the percentage of the year/races that have been impacted. Our focus is on the Classics, as Series Days and Point Scores can be re-scheduled where possible.

Racing wherever you are racing, will house some minor differences. Please be patient with officials and fellow competitors as we all start to understand what that might look like.

We cant wait to see you all back on the water.

Let’s Go Racing

SRA Board